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Allan S. Bernales


Adrian L. Favis

Corp Secretary

Charles Y. Lim

Director for Luzon

Edwin O. Sanchez,

Director and 

Past President

Ian S. Abalos,

VP for Luzon

Luis Y. Martin,

VP for Visayas

Julian Montemayor, VP for Mindanao

Joel S. Sacdalan


Martin M. Gomez


Bel Magallanes

Director, Visayas

Claude Schulze

Director, Visayas

Billy L. Badilla,

Past President

​Who We Are

FCRAP is a non-stock, non-profit organization dedicated to the development of the Philippine Cattle Industry. We are cattleraisers just like you who want to help increase the Philippine national cattle inventory. It is a tough job since there are approximately 2.5M heads of cattle for 100M Filipinos. 


FCRAP is working hand-in-hand with the Bureau of Animal Industry, National Dairy Authority and the Department of Agriculture in addressing the needs of the cattle industry.


FCRAP fully supports the Farm Accreditation Program and the Genetic Improvement Program  of the BAI and the Dairy Program of the National Dairy Authority.


​What We Offer

FCRAP  will help your voice be heard by our leaders, who say they need to hear from us about what we need to help our industry. Our organization will be your bridge to technological advances in cattle breeding such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer, new genetics, nutrition, management and assistance in legal issues.

FCRAP is a member of the Livestock Development Council as defined by PD 914, issued March 29, 1976.





FCRAP was founded in 1965 by leading pillars of society who were determined to develop the Philippine Cattle Industry. ​


The original founders of FCRAP were: 

Gov.  Juan O.  Chioco, Rep.  Emilio Espinosa, Pablo Lorenzo, Jr., Col. Jacinto Gavino, Atty.  Maurice C.  Nubla, Ricardo Quintos, Severino M.  Luna, Oscar Olegario, Juan  L. Umali, Valeriano C.  Bueno, Col.  Sene Gabaldon, Agustin  Mathay, Brig.  Gen Francisco Adriano, Atty. Jesus Abeleda and Marcelino Veneracion.


The greatest achievement of FCRAP was during the administration of Atty. Roberto Montalvan when American Brahman bulls and heifers were distributed to members under a repayment scheme.


Through FCRAP Australian breeders and feeder cattle also found their way to Philippine farms boosting the breeder base to reach its current output.

© 2016 by FCRAP. 

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